Recently I was interviewed by Fundraising & Philanthropy Magazine about my journey of discovery through philanthropy.

My long-term interest accelerated in 2014 when I attended the Colloquium at Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership (a partner of Monash University). This intensive six-day course draws on 2,000 years of philosophy to examine the essence of what it is to act ethically in life and work. This was closely followed by reading a story by the celebrated writer Ursula Le Guin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. This story has a profound impact on me, pointing me in the direction that ultimately I am sure I would have discovered anyway, but this story at this time really spurred me into action.

“Philanthropy can act as risk capital. Ideas that governments are nervous about can be tested by philanthropy. A lot of the pressing social issues that we’re facing at the moment are not a confine only of government, they’re relevant to business and the community, and philanthropy can play a real role in that space, in a partnership.”

This article gives some insights and motivations for the work I have undertaken to ultimately play a part in ‘building back better’.

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