It has been a big day for the East Timor Hearts Fund #mendingbrokenhearts with the publication by the Medical Journal of Australia of a landmark rheumatic heart disease prevalence study that they coordinated with their partners.

Unfortunately, the results are not great for our friends in Timor-Leste. Results show that they are enduring amongst the world’s highest rates of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) with 1 in 28 people affected by this treatable, preventable condition. Sadly girls and young women are the worst affected, with 1 in 20 having the disease.

Here’s just a quick snapshot of what the East Timor Hearts Fund have underway to stop the suffering and save lives:

  • Delivering a locally coordinated program to provide life-saving penicillin to those with early symptoms.
  • Rolling out community education sessions to help local people and health professionals take action on rheumatic heart disease.
  • Providing training scholarships and other support to health professionals in Timor-Leste, including their friends at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares.
  • Providing life-saving heart surgery in Australia for the most critical cases.
  • Raising their voice on the global stage with their friends in the Government of Timor-Leste and the international community to end the avoidable tragedy of RHD in Timor-Leste.

To find out more about this research and what can be done to assist in the rollout of some of these initiatives read this message from the East Timor Hearts Fund CEO 

Top picture: Central is Stuart Thomson, CEO, East Timor Hearts Fund