festival21 took place on the 1-2 February 2019 at the historic Meat Market. This festival very successfully met their objective for a dynamic, zero-waste, free celebration of food, and the power it has to create a positive impact.

Through a series of talks, films, and workshops, visitors were compelled to consider their relationship with food, and the effect it has on the future of the community, climate change and population health.

Led by an impressive line-up of local and international thought-leaders in the fields of health, environmental science, arts, design, education, policy, advocacy and ethical business, who generously gave their time and ideas for the future of food and our planet.

In summary, there were:

  • 18 Hours of Programming
  • $25k Raised for Social Enterprise
  • 18 Workshops
  • 4 Original Films
  • 13 Photographic Works
  • 100% Upcycled or Borrowed Setup
  • 100% Recyclable or Compostable Food Options
  • 2000 Attendees
  • 100 Speakers

In addition to my role as Patron, my involvement in festival21 was helping raise funds for social enterprise.

What an enjoyable day I had listening to the three pitches that were presented to a highly engaged audience. The format was that the social enterprise finalist was given the opportunity to pitch their ideas to their audience. Based on this presentation, the audience pledged a dollar value to back the idea. My pledge was to match the amount pledged by the audience, in essence doubling the amount that the social enterprise would receive.

Each of the pitches that I watched was for unique, creative and engaging businesses associated with a thoughtful and considered approach to our food production and consumption.

This event has really bought into focus for me the importance of a considered food chain for the future health of every aspect of our future. With such a successful 2019 the team is already making plans for a bigger and better 2020 event. You can find out more by visiting their website www.festival21.com.au