The 10th World Chamber Congress #10WCC was a real highlight of September. Held every two years, the event this year was in Sydney at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour.
This year’s event attracted attendees from over 100 countries. From a personal perspective, I was particularly pleased to see Timor-Leste Chamber of Commerce not only attending the event but also really benefiting from it as an opportunity to network and develop relationships with this International community.
Over the years, the World Chambers Congress has welcomed keynote addresses from Heads of State, chamber leaders and some of the most influential industry leaders. The purpose of the event is to address the most topical issues in the Congress programme and to invite a diverse array of speakers to help attending delegates better tackle the current challenges facing small-and-medium-sized enterprises and anticipate the trials that lie ahead.
The event organisers this year secured a remarkable line-up of speakers, who truly appeared to represent a cross-section of prominent thought leaders and bright minds from around the globe.
Listening to Gunter Pauli from Belgium was a particular highlight for me. As the author of The Blue Economy, Gunter had some great solutions to current world issues and offered an interesting take on the world’s current position. He also talked about our future communications being LiFi which is a fascinating technology that is complementary to WiFi, but in some instances will outperform WiFi.
LiFi is a wireless optical networking technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission. LiFi is designed to use LED light bulbs similar to those currently in use in many energy-conscious homes and offices. Whilst LiFi transmits data using light with the help of LED bulbs. WiFi transmits data using radio waves with the help of WiFi router.
LiFi appears to be well suited for areas that require high-density wireless date coverage in a confined area and for relieving radio interference issues. Some of the benefits include data security and privacy as light cannot penetrate walls, and it has low implementation and maintenance costs.