Ernest Lin, Director-General, CACCI has this week made an announcement regarding the Election of New CACCI President and Other CACCI Officers. It reads as follows;

“We are pleased to announce the election of Mr. Samir Modi as the new President of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) for the next two years (2018-2020).  Mr. Modi was elected during the 89th CACCI Council Meeting held on November 23, 2018 in conjunction with the 32nd CACCI Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. He replaces Mr. Jemal Inaishvili, who served as President for two consecutive terms from 2014 to 2018.

Mr. Modi is concurrently Executive Director, K. K. Modi Group; Executive Director, Godfrey Phillips India Limited; Director, Indofil Industries Limited; President, 24 Seven Convenience Stores; Managing Director, Colorbar Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd. and Managing Director, Modicare Private Limited. He served as CACCI Senior Vice President prior to assuming the Presidency.

Mr. Modi is the son of Mr. K. K. Modi, who was CACCI President from 2002 to 2206. In his Acceptance Speech, Mr. Modi said: “As I’ve learned from the various CACCI events and activities that I attended over the past two years  – many of which were led by former CACCI Presidents including my father Mr. K. K. Modi and of course, our Immediate Past President Mr. Jemal Inaishvili – the CACCI presidency is a position that carries with it enormous responsibility and challenges. Keeping the Confederation dynamic and in the forefront of the chamber movement in the region is a daunting task for any leader, given the rapid changes in the world economy and their impact on the region’s markets. However, I am confident of working harmoniously with the new team of officers who, individually and collectively, are committed to push our Confederation forward.”

The other newly-elected CACCI office bearers include the following:

Vice Presidents

  • Peter McMullin (ACCI)
  • Sheikh Fazle Fahim (FBCCI)
  • Pedram Soltani (ICCIMA)
  • Wyler Wong  (Kowloon Chamber)
  • Teruo Asada  (JCCI)
  • Magvan Oyunchimeg (MNCCI)
  • Pradeep Kumar Shrestha (FNCCI)
  • Henry Kao (CIECA)
  • Rifat Hisarciklioglu (TOBB)

Honorary Treaurer

  • Mr. Ernest Yuen  (Kowloon Chamber)

Budget Commission

  • Steve Hsieh (CIECA)
  • Obaidur Rahman  (FBCCI)
  • Muhammad Iqbal Thaheem (FPCCI)

It is our ardent hope that you will give Mr. Modi and the other newly-elected CACCI officers the same kind of support and cooperation that you have extended to Mr.  Inaishvili and other previous CACCI office-bearers.